Archive for January 2022Muffler: Victim of Winter (Muffler Repair)Posted January 30, 2022 7:32 AMSo you almost got through the winter until, one day, your muffler started sounding like a dragster, loud and obnoxious. It's not surprising. All that road salt and brine can cause rust to punch holes in a muffler, and that should raise a big, red warning flag about the safety of your vehicle. One big concern is carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that can drift into your cabin if your muffler is leaking. You've probably heard about people whose home furnaces have leaked carbon monoxide and overcome families inside. Carbon monoxide can first cause you to feel dizzy and nauseous. It can even render you unconscious—even kill you. So if your vehicle's muffler is leaking that gas, well, it's nothing to mess around with. Oh, and how about that noise? You may get a ticket since many municipalities have laws against noisy exhausts. Your muffler may be making a clunking or rattling sound when the engine's running or it may be spewing thick exhaust smoke. All of these symptoms are telling you to get to your vehicle service facility soon. A technician may find it's the muffler or another part of your exhaust system that is coming apart or is busted. Sometimes the repair can be as simple as replacing a section of pipe or clamps, but sometimes you'll need to replace more components. Your service advisor can recommend several different options to try to help you meet your performance and budgetary needs. You'll drive out with a vehicle that doesn't sound like a teenager trying to hotrod the family car, is a whole lot safer and sounds a lot less obnoxious in the process.
The Red Menace (How to Deal with Rust)Posted January 23, 2022 8:53 AMRust. It's worse if you drive in places that use salt on the roads in winter, or if you spend time driving near a body of salt water. But any vehicle has to deal with rust after years on the road. And it's not just that rust can eat away your vehicle's body and fenders. It can be a real problem around your suspension, drivetrain or any place where there's metal. Rust takes its time. You don't see it until it's already done its dirty work. It can wreak havoc with your electrical system. Sure, vehicle manufacturers do their best to keep it to a minimum, but especially with road treatments like brine around, their task is a difficult one. The one spot everyone notices is in the paint. You see a little bubbling under the once-smooth surface. By the time it bubbles, it's well involved in rotting away that spot of your vehicle. You wouldn't believe how just a little thing can start the process on its way. A stone chips the paint down to the metal, moisture and salt reach the steel and rust is off and running. It could be a scratch in the paint, a little dent, acid from a parking garage, tree sap, you name it. If you spot it, show it to your service advisor because rust can be more than a cosmetic problem. It can be a safety issue. While you can see the rust destroy your vehicle's body, you can't see it destroying your engine. But it can. It can eat away at such areas as air intakes or the exhaust system. Not only can it reduce performance, but also it can disable electrical connections. In this day and age where just about everything in your vehicle has a computer component to it, just a small electrical problem can strand you at the roadside. Corrosion can attack your vehicle's chassis or frame, and they are what provide the structural strength and stability for everything attached. Think powertrain, suspension, axles, window frames. The list goes on and on. Structural integrity is vital to safety, so the stakes are high. Now you can see why rust damages more than just the good looks of your vehicle. There's one thing to remember about corrosion - much of it is only visible from underneath the vehicle. When you bring your vehicle in to L and M Motors Inc for service, our technician can look for any problems from that important vantage point. It's always a good idea to point out any spots that you think might spell trouble. That way you can stay ahead of it and beat rust at its own game.
Stuck! (Vehicle Door Issues)Posted January 16, 2022 11:45 AMThis may have happened to you. You drive somewhere and get out of your vehicle only to try closing the door and it just won't stay closed! What a helpless feeling. You can't lock it; you can't leave it like it is. Or, let's say you head down to your vehicle to head out to work in the morning and you can't open the door. What are you going to do now? Vehicle doors take a lot of abuse. They are opened and closed hundreds of times and we expect them to just keep working perfectly all the time. They do require a bit of tender loving care. Let's take a look at two different scenarios of stuck doors. First: the door that won't close. It's a security issue. It's also a safety issue. You can't really safely drive a vehicle with a door that won't close. What if you or a passenger is tossed out? Sure, some people try to tie a stuck-open door closed or bungee it, but that's dangerous. It's best to get that vehicle to the service repair facility as soon as you can, and having it towed is the safest way. Second: the door that won't open. There are many reasons this can happen. Freezing weather is one, a misaligned door is another. There could be electrical issues. Corrosion could have broken a part inside the door. The possibilities, unfortunately, are numerous. If you can't get into your vehicle's driver's door, with any luck another door might open and you can climb into the driver's seat and head on to the repair facility. A lot of people may be tempted to try to fix a stuck door themselves, but many wind up causing more damage to the door and have to have a trained technician step in to repair the mess. One way to minimize the possibility of having a door stick open or closed is to make sure it gets regular maintenance. Door locks, hinges and latches should be lubricated at certain intervals. Locks should be kept clean. While many vehicles now have electronic locks, sometimes an electrical failure in the vehicle or key fob can inadvertently lock you out. Nearly every vehicle has a mechanical key in case that happens; if you don't know how that works, have your service advisor show you how. Also, you technician can make sure your doors are properly aligned and aren't sagging. All of these things can help you keep your doors opening and closing the way they were designed to. Your next trip may "hinge" on your doors being in top condition.
A Door No One Can Step Through (Fuel Door Repair and Maintenance)Posted January 9, 2022 12:42 PMYour vehicle has lots of doors including that one usually near the back on the vehicle's side. That's the fuel door, something you use every time you gas up. These endure hundreds of open-and-close cycles, usually without any problems. But when they act up, it can be a major inconvenience for you. When they stick in the "open" position, it can present real dilemma. You can still pump your gas, but do you just drive around with that flap sticking out the side? What happens if someone steals the gas cap or it gets damaged? What happens if it rains? Yep, it's decision time. A fuel door that sticks open can be due to a number of factors. The hinge on the door may have broken, possibly from corrosion or it may have been hit sometime. Some vehicles have a cable that operates the door and it could be loose. The latch that holds the door shut could have broken or it, too, could be bent from something hitting it. You probably want to take care of this sometime soon since your gas cap is wide open and unprotected when the door doesn't shut. Plus, it's possible that the door could be torn off completely. Often a stuck open fuel door can be fixed fairly inexpensively and quickly depending on the type of mechanism your vehicle has. Looks like it's an open and shut case. L and M Motors Inc Breathe New Life into Your Engine (MAF sensor replacement)Posted January 2, 2022 9:15 AMIf you’ve noticed your vehicle is hard to start, stalling, or has lost power, the culprit may be a part with an odd name: the MAF sensor. You may have never even heard of a MAF sensor, but it’s important that it be working correctly, or you may be experiencing some fairly significant engine issues. All vehicles bring in air and direct it through an air filter before it goes into your engine, where it mixes with fuel to provide power to get you going. There’s a tube-like device with a sensor inside it that measures how much of that mass of air is passing through. That’s why it’s called a mass air flow sensor, or MAF sensor. If the MAF sensor isn’t working right, the engine’s computer can’t figure out the right amount of fuel to mix with it, and your engine may hesitate or stall. Sometimes this will cause your Check Engine Light to come on, and any time it does that, make sure you have your vehicle checked by a professional, so you’ll know what’s going on. When you take your vehicle into your service facility, a technician will thoroughly check the system to see just where the problems are. If your air filter is dirty, your MAF sensor may get dirty too, which might be causing the problems. You may find your fuel economy isn’t what it used to be either. There are other things that can cause the same symptoms, too, such as a leak in a vacuum hose. It’s also possible that the electrical connector between the MAF sensor and the engine has broken. The technician can use electronic diagnostic equipment to help pinpoint the exact problem or problems, replace worn parts, and test drive your vehicle to make sure it’s working correctly. It’s also a good idea to make sure your air filter is changed regularly. A dirty air filter can contribute to a MAF sensor failure. One of the big benefits of having your vehicle regularly maintained at one facility, is they know your vehicle. So, they keep track of which of your vehicle’s parts should be periodically replaced before problems develop. If you keep clean air heading into your engine, it can help your engine work efficiently, and with the power it was engineered to deliver. Isn’t that a breath of fresh air? L and M Motors Inc Before You Buy that Used Vehicle (Having a Used Car Inspected Before Buying)Posted January 1, 2022 8:43 AMLet's face it. New vehicles are expensive, so finding a good used one can save drivers a lot of money. It's tempting to look through ads, find a private seller who has what you're looking for and pay a price you think is a great deal. But when you go over to look at a used car, do you really know what to look for to uncover potential problems with it? The answer is probably no. Used cars can look great on the outside, maybe even have lustrous paint and a super clean interior. But is it possible that vehicle's been in an accident? Does it have electrical problems you can't detect easily? Is any fluid leaking that you don't know about? Think about it. You are about to spend thousands of dollars for a complex machine and you're considering judging its condition without much expertise. That's why it makes sense to have a qualified technician inspect any used vehicle you're considering buying. Many vehicle repair facilities will do it for around $100-$200. They'll check to see what's working right and what's not working. They'll check for leaks and how strong the battery is; they'll look for signs it's been in an accident or has been painted. They'll look in places you'd find inaccessible, and they'll take it for a test drive to see what noises, vibrations and smells might give clues to any major problems. An inspection usually takes about an hour. You should have an inspection done by a technician you know and trust. They'll have your best interests in mind. And the inspection should be done before you start negotiating a price with the seller. It's money well spent to either give you peace of mind that you're getting a good vehicle or steer you away from a lemon. One sign a used vehicle isn't a good deal? If the buyer refuses to let you have it inspected. That says just about everything that needs to be said. L and M Motors Inc | ||
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Christine is so helpful and the sweetest lady! These guys are amazing! They are honest about what is being done to your car and don't overcharge you like dealerships! I just moved up to Alaska and plan on using these guys forever. Definitely recommend their service and expertise.~ Brittani B.

So we started hearing a high pitched noise from the back brakes on a trip to anchorage from seward, after checking out another local shop who was extremely rude I jumped on yelp and stumbled across these lovely people. They got me in right away just to take a peek, saying they couldn't fit me in till later but would take a look just to see if it was still safe to drive and what to expect. They were curtious, friendly, honest and fair. I highly recommend this establishment! Thanks for getting us back to Seward safely xoxo~ Michelle D.